Index of /

Icon  Name                    Last modified      Size  
[DIR] ubuntu-releases/ 2025-02-19 01:09 - [DIR] ubuntu/ 2025-02-19 00:44 - [DIR] archlinux/ 2025-02-19 00:36 - [DIR] fedora/ 2025-02-18 20:29 - [DIR] debian/ 2025-02-18 20:10 - [DIR] fedora-epel/ 2025-02-18 19:30 - [DIR] debian-cd/ 2025-01-11 11:45 - [DIR] centos/ 2024-02-15 02:48 - [DIR] raspbian/ 2015-03-22 11:18 -
Welcome to the University of Arizona software mirror.
This mirror is run by the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences.
Data center and network provided by University Information Technology Services.

This mirror is accessible via http, https, and rsync.
The host server uses an ssd storage array, 10gb connection, and resides on the Internet2 network.
Contact: mirror at

Tiering status of this mirror:
ArchLinux - tier2, pulls from hourly
CentOS - tier1, pulls from hourly
Debian - tier2, pulls from hourly
Fedora - tier2, pulls from hourly
Raspbian - tier2, pulls from hourly
Ubuntu - tier1, pulls from hourly

2024-11-08 resolved denial-of-service issue, new protections put in place
2024-07-15 storm-related power issues resolved
2024-02-29 modified connection limit and timeout values to resolve a denial-of-service issue
2022-06-06 network throughput issue resolved by local router firmware updates
2021-11-09 issue resolved with archlinux community.db not updating, reported by Joachim Vandersmissen
2021-08-31 mirror vm upgraded from ubuntu 18.04 to debian 11
2021-08-17 debian upstream mirror changed to, arch upstream mirror changed to
2021-08-13 submitted to debian mirror list, upstream mirror changed to, icons changed to png, sync operations are now 2-pass
2021-06-04 vm migrated to a newer server, per-file http performance increased from 789MB/s to 1098MB/s, https 150MB/s to 488MB/s
2020-10-22 issues reported with top level fedora and fedora-epel mirrors (issue 9392), changing to upstream source
2020-04-23 webserver configuration modified to accommodate a greater number of simultaneous connections
2020-04-05 debian and raspbian added
2020-04-04 issue resolved with upstream fedora packages
2020-02-03 vm migrated to larger storage array
2019-11-14 homepage created
2019-10-28 submitted to archlinux mirror list
2019-10-24 submitted to fedora mirror list
2019-10-17 submitted to ubuntu mirror list
2019-10-17 submitted to centos mirror list
2019-09-24 mirror made public
2019-09-12 mirror brought online